Arch. David Songoro, MAAK (A), is a registered Architect. He holds a B. Arch (JKUAT), M.A Planning (UoN), M.A Project Planning & Management (UoN). He is currently a PhD researcher at the UoN. He has extensive work experience in the construction Industry, both in public and private sector. He also teaches part-time at Kenyatta University, in both the Department of Architecture and Interior Design and the Department of Construction and Real Estate Management.
Arch. Songoro has been a member the AAK Cooperative Sacco Ltd from 2010. He has previously held various positions of leadership in the Sacco. Notably as Member of Supervisory Committee, Member of Loans Committee and Honorary Treasurer. He also played a lead role in the conceptualization of the current Strategic Plan for the Sacco.
He serves the AAK Cooperative Sacco Ltd as Chairman, a Member of the Management Committee and a Member of the Executive Committee, chairing both committees.